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Secondary Literature

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Wen Ching (pseudo.), “The Chinese Encyclopaedists”, in Wen Ching (pseudo.), The Chinese Crisis from Within, Rev. G. M. Reith ed. London: Grant Richards 1901, p. 31-48.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg Database.


Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database.


1950 #

Chang Hsi-t’ung (張錫彤), “The Earliest Phase of the Introduction of Western Political Science into China,” Yenching Journal of Social Studies V.1 (1950), 1-30. Detailed overview of early geographical works in Chinese by Catholic and Protestant Missionaries.

Availability: Scan in HD database.

Heibonsha 平凡社 ed., Hyakka jiten no rekishi 百 科事典の歴史 , Tōkyō : Heibonsha, 1964. Contents: Ō-Bei hyakka jiten kankō nenpyō kanmatsu betsuyō: 欧米百科事典刊行年表卷末別頁: p. 1-4. Genkō shuyō hakka jiten ichiran: p. 71現行主要百科事典一覽: p. 71.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg


1960 #

Bauer, Wolfgang. “The Encyclopedia in China.” Cahiers d'histoire mondiale 9(1966)3, pp. 665-91.

Availability : Scan in Heidelberg database.

Fukukama, Tatsuo, 1919-1968. 福 鎌達夫, Meiji shoki hyakka zensho no kenkyū,  明 治初期百科全書の研究 (A study of early Meiji encyclopedias), Tōkyō, Kazama Shobō, 1968, 573 pp.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database.


1970 #

Yayoshi Mitsunaga 彌 吉光長, Hyakka jiten no seirigaku 百科事典の整理學 (The ordering systems of encyclopedic writing). Tōkyō : Takeuchi Shoten, 1972.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database. Xxx


1980 #

Jiang Chunfang 姜椿芳, “Zhongguo diyibu baike quanshu” 中國第一部百科全書,Cishu yanjiu 辭書研究,(1980):4。1-6, 21

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database.

孟彭兴; 林永俣, “新发现的《洋事杂录》述论” (On Lin Zexu, Yangshi zalu) in Xueshu yuekan 学术月刊 , 1985年 12期, 67-72

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database.

陈胜粦," 林则徐"开眼看世界"的珍贵记录——林氏《洋事杂录》评介," (on Lin Zexu, Yangshi zalu), 中山大学学报(社会科学版) , 编辑部邮箱 1986年 03期, 1-13.

Dewoskin, Kenneth. “Lei-shu,” in William H. Nienhauser ed., Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1986.

Availability: Book in Heidelberg no scan in database. Xxx.

Paul B. Trescott, “Scottish political economy comes to the Far East: the Burton-Chambers Political economy and the introduction of Western economic ideas into Japan and China,” History of Political Economy 21 (1989):3, 481-502.

Availability: PDF OCR in HD database


1990 #

Jiang Chunfang 姜椿芳, Cong leishu dao baike quanshu: baike quanshu wenji 從類書到百科全書百科全書文集, Beijing: Zhongguo shuji chubanshe, 1990, 149pp.

Availability: Not available in Heidelberg.

Cao Xianzhuo 曹先擢, Chen Bingcai 陈秉才eds. , Ba qian zhong Zhongwen cishu leibian tiyao 八 千种中文辞书类编提要, [Peking] : Beijing da xue chu ban she, 1992.

Contains listing of late Qing and Republican era encyclopaedias, including translations.

Availability: Not in Heidelberg database. Paper copy in Heidelberg library.

Zhong Shaohua 鈡少華, “Xifang keji dongliu shukan mulu (1607-1911),” 西方科技東流書刊目錄 in 中國科學史通訊Newsletter for the History of Science, 6 (Oct. 1993), 174-179, 7 (April 1994), 181-189, 8 (October 1994) 158-167, 9 (April 1995) 164- 176, 10 (October 1995) 154-170, 11 (April 1996) 140-168.

Availability: SCAN in Heidelberg

Hilde de Weerdt, “Aspects of Song Intellectual Life: A Preliminary Inquiry into Some Southern Song Encyclopedias.” Papers on Chinese History 3 (1994), 1-27.

Availability: Print copy in HD

Xu Su 徐蘇, “Yang Jialuo ji qi xueshu chengjiu (1)” 楊家駱及其學術成就 (上), 中国典籍与文化 (1995)3:36-40。Details about translations from Diderot’s encyclopedia into Chinese.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database.

Zhong Shaohua 鈡少華, Renlei zhishi de xin gongju – Zhong Ri jindai baikequanshu yanjiu 人類知識的新工具 — 中日近代百科全書研 究, 北京:北京圖書館出版社,1996.

Availability: SCAN in Heidelberg database under Zhong Shaohua and title.

Zhong Shaohua 鈡少華, Jinqu ji. Zhong Shaohua wencun 進取集 : 鍾少華文存 , Peking: 北京 : 中國國際廣播出版社, 1998.

Availability: SCAN in Heidelberg database under Zhong Shaohua and title

Christoph Harbsmeier, Science and Civilization in China 7.1: Language and Logic, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998

Availability: Scan in HEIDENC

Zou Zhenhuan 鄒振環, “Jindai zuizao baike quanshu de bianyi yu Qing mo wenxian zhong de Dideluo” 近代最早百科全書的編譯與清末文獻中的狄德羅 (The compilation of the first modern encyclopedia and Diderot in Late Qing writings), Fudan xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 復旦學報(社會科學版)1998.3: 47-52.

Availability: pdf in Heidelberg database

Kaderas, Christoph, Die Leishu der imperialen Bibliothek des Kaisers Qianlong (reg. 1736 - 1796), Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1998, xi, 336 p.

Availability: Copy in Heidelberg library

Sakai, Tadao 酒井忠夫,“Preface,” Gosha Bakkin 五車拔錦. Tokyo: Kyūko shoin, 1999, 1-6.

Availability: Scan in HD database.


2000 #

Hijiya-Kirschnereit ed., Canon and Identity: Japanese Modernization Reconsidered: Transcultural Perspectives, Tokyo: Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien, 2000.

Availability: Scan in HEIDENC

Lei Yu 雷雨, “Qingmo zhongwen baike quanshu zhi xingqi” 清末中文百科全書之興起, Anqing shifan xueyuan xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 安慶師範學院學報(社會科學版), 19(2000)4。

Availability: pdf in Heidelberg database.

Wang Jiarong Fukukama Tatsuo, “<Ci Yuan>, <Ci hai> de kaichuangxing《辞源》、《辞海》的开创性,” in Cishu yanjiu 4 (2001), 130-140.

Availability: Scan in HD database.

Li Di 李迪, Guo Shirong 郭世榮, “Zhongguo xiandai diyibu baike quanshu - <普通百科新大辭典>,” Cishu yanjiu 2002(3) p. 122-126.

Availability: PDF in Heidelberg database

Kurz, Johannes, Das Kompilationsprojekt Song Taizongs (reg. 976-997), Bern ; Berlin : Peter Lang, 2003, 283 p.

Availability: Copy in Heidelberg library. Scan in Database.

Li Di 李迪, Guo Shirong 郭世榮, “Qingmo ‘Putong baike xin dacidian’ ji qi xueshu jiazhi 清末<普通百科新大辭典>,” Zhongguo keji shiliao 中國科技史料, 24.(2003)1:47-57.

Availability: PDF in Heidelberg database.

Takeuchi Horiyuki: 竹内弘行,康有為『日本書目志』の一考察A Study on Kang Youwei's 康有為 Bibliography of Japanese Books (Ri-ben Shu-mu-zhi 日本書目志), 名古屋大學文學部研究論文集。哲學, The Journal of the Faculty of Literature, Nagoya University. Philosophy. 49 (2003) 77-95.

Availability: Not in Database.


2004 #

Zuo Yuhe 左玉河, Dianji fenlei yu jindai Zhongguo zhishi xitong de bianhua

典籍分类与近代中国知识系统之演化, Huadong shifan daxue xuebao 36 (2004)6: 48-59.

Availability: Scan in HD database.


2005 #

Wei, Shang. “The Making of the Everyday World: Jin Ping Mei cihua and Encyclopedias for Daily Use.” In Dynastic Crisis and Cultural Innovation. From the Late Ming to the Late Qing and Beyond. Edited by David Der-wei Wang and Shang Wei, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005, pp. 63-92.

Availability: Scan in HD database

Wu Huifang 吳蕙芳, Wan bao quan shu : Ming Qing shi qi de min jian sheng huo shi lu , 萬寶全書。明清時期的民間生活實錄. vol. 1, Taipei: Hua mu lan wen hua gong zuo fang, 2005.

Availability:Scan in HD database.

Li Xin 李歆, “Yang Jialuo xiansheng ji qi wenxianxue chengjiu, 楊家駱先生及其文獻學成就,” Tushu qingbao gongzuo 圖書情報工作 50(2006)2:17-20.图

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database.

Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova & M. Henri Day: “Huang Moxi 黃摩西 (1866-1913): His discovery of British aesthetics and his concept of Chinese fiction as aesthetic system.” In: Chiu Ling-yeong with Donatella Guida eds. , A Passion for China. Essay in Honour of Paolo Santangelo for his 60th birthday. Leiden Boston: Brill,2006, pp. 93-141.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database


2007 #

Chen Pingyuan 陳平原, Milena 米列娜 [Dolezelova] eds., Jindai Zhongguo de baike cishu 近代中國的百科辭書,Beijing: Peking University Press, 2007.


  • Chen Pingyuan, 代序
  • 夏曉虹,從 “尚友錄” 到"名人傳略" , 1-32
  • 瓦格納(Rudolf G. Wagner), 晚清新政與西學百科全書, 33-56
  • 鍾少華,清末百科辭書條目特色研究,57-92
  • 費南山(Natascha Gentz),糾纏知識的范本, 93-111
  • 阿梅龍(Iwo Amelung), 晚清百科全書, “新學備纂”,及其與科舉制度的關係,112-134
  • 米列納(Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova),未完成的中西文化之橋 –一部近代中國的百科全書(1911), 135-154
  • 陳平原, 晚清辭書與教科書視野中的 “文學”,155-192
  • 梅嘉樂(Barbara Mittler), “爲人人所必需的有用新知”? – 商務印書館及其新文化辭書, 193-213

Availability: Print copy in HD, no scan of entire work.

Chen Pingyuan 陳平原, “Wan Qing cishu shiye zhong de “wenxue” – yi Huangren de bianzuan huodong wei zhongxin” 晚清辭書視野中的<文學>- 以黃人的編纂活動為中心, Beijing daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban), 44.2 (March 2007), 59-74.

Availability: SCAN in Heidelberg database under Chenpingy

Zhang Xiaoli 章小麗,Riben cishu dui Qing mo Zhongguo de yingxiang 日本辭書對清末中國的影響, unpubl. M.A. thesis Zhejiang University, 2007.

Availability: Scan (OCR) in Heidelberg database.

Elman, Benjamin, “Collecting and Classifying: Ming Dynasty Compendia and Encyclopedias (Leishu).” In Florence Bretelle-Establet and Karine Chemla eds, Qu’était-ce qu’écrire une encyclopédie en Chine? Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2007, pp. 131-157.

Availability : Copy in Heidelberg library no scan.

Li Zhimin 李智敏, Lu Lili 鲁丽丽, “Huang Moxi yu Zhongguo baike quanshu” 黄摩西与中国百科全书 (Huang Moxi and Chinese Encyclopedia), Dangdai tushuguan当代图书馆, 92(2007)4.12-24.

Abstract: 上个世纪初,一种新的文化现象出现在中国—即中文的现代西式百科全书问世。这些新式教育工具书以简洁的语言为中国当时社会文化中的众多问题提供了简明而有序的信息,其创新意义,远非那时中国所使用的"类书"所能概括。本文考察了黄摩西1911年出版的《普通百科新大辞典》,它被视为1903—1911年间中国出版的同类著作中最先进的一部。我们特别关注这部著作之所以成为"现代"工具书的那些特征,展示出学者黄摩西的学术成就;并从一个特定角度,呈现已成为晚清社会风格标志的西学东渐的过程。

Availability: Scan (OCR) in Heidelberg database.

瓦格纳 R. Wagner, Rudolf, “Wan Qing xinzheng yu xixue baike quanshu” 晚清新政与西学百科全书, in Chen Pingyuan 陈平原, Miliena [=Milena Dolezelova] 米列娜 eds., Jindai Zhongguo de baike quanshu 近代中国的百科全书, Beijing: Peking University Press,2007, 33-56.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database.

Li Hsiao-t’i (Li Xiaoti) 李孝悌, “Jianli xin shiye: wan Qing de baike quanshujia” 建立新事業:晚清的百科全書家, Paper distributed for Taipei conference 2007 of Encyclopedia project.

Availability: In Heidelberg database.

Dolezelova, Milena, “Yibu jindai Zhongguo de baike quanshu: Wei wancheng de Zhong Xi wenhua de qiao 一部近代中國的百科全書: 為完成的中西文化的橋, Beijing daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban), 44.2 (March 2007), 75-84.

Availability: SCAN in Heidelberg database under Dolezelova

Hyakka jiten to hakubutsu zufu no kyōen, hyakugaku renkan: Zakkyō, Shokyō sōritsu 50-shūnen kinen, Sekai Shuppan Bunka Shiten. 百科事典と博物図譜の饗宴, 百学連環 : 雑協・書協創立 50周年記念, 世界出版文化史展. Tōkyō : Insatsu Hakubutsukan, 2007.

Availability: No copy in Heidelberg. Record from Tozzer Library Harvard

Zhang Qing 章清, “<Cewen> yu keju tizhi> xia dui <xixue> de jieyin – Yi <Zhongwai cewen daguan> wei zhongxin” 策問》與科舉體制下對《西學》的接引—以《中外策問大觀》為中心. Zhongyangyanjiuyuan Jindaishi yanjiusuo jikan 58, 2007, 530-103.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg Database.


2008 #

Pan Jun 潘钧, Riben cishu yanjiu 日本辞书研究, Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin chubanshe, 2008.

Availability: Book in Heidelberg library

Sun Qing 孫青, “The Terminological Dictionary for Classical Studies of the Society for the Support of National Studies and the shift in Chinese classical ‘knowledge resources’ during the late Qing 國學扶輪社《文科大辭典》與清末本土經典的’知識資源’轉型, in Wakumon 或問 15(2008), 85-96.

Availability: Scan in HD database.

Zhu Weiming 朱偉明, Lixing qizhi xia de guanzhu: lun 18 shiji Faguo “Baike quanshu” dui Zhongguo de chanshi 理性旗幟下的關注:論18世紀法國《百科全書》對中國的闡釋, unpubl M.A. thesis Huadong Shifan daxue 2008.


Denis Diderot(1713—1784) was a French encyclopedist, philosopher and litterateur,one of the representatives during the French Enlightenment in 18th century As the chief editor of “Encyclopedia”,which was one of the most important works during the Enlightenment,he devoted about thirty years to accomplishing this work in collaboration with more than 150 contemporary scholars. “Encyclopedia” constructed a totally new knowledge system, introducing the newest knowledge and the latest scientific and technological achievement at that time from a materialistic point of view, offering a rational guidance for people to think about this world with its brand new comprehension of knowledge and nature.It played a significant role in destroying theocracy in medieval Europe,developing modem materialistic philosophy and providing all ideological preparation for the French Revolution in 1789.

The 18th century was also the very era when Chinese culture was prosperously transmitted to Europe. The vast expanse of Chinese territory,the large population of China, the comparatively long and stable history of China and the Confucian Theories about society,politics and ethics which have been spread and developed in China for more than 2000 years cast a great influence on French thinkers, and supplied them with ideological materials for their thinking on various problems of France and justifying their own theories.This paper tries to interpret the chief editor Diderot’s views on China through studying the China-related entries in “Encyclopedia”, so as to put forward a primary opinion of French thinkers’ views on China,the evolution of their views, and the cause of the evolution, during 18th century,especially the last half of 18th century.

This paper is composed of six parts, including the introduction,the first to the fourth chapters and the conclusion. The introduction briefly describes the general background of the compilation of “Encyclopedia” and Chinese “Cultural Fever”,the purpose and significance of this topic,and the current situation of the studies on “Encyclopedia” and Diderot’s views on China both at home and abroad.

Chapter one introduces “Encyclopedia” and the eighteenth—century France where “Encyclopedia” was born. It could be subdivided into two sections.The first section introduces the publication of “Encyclopedia” and its influence, mainly discussing the motivation and methodology adopted by Diderot et al in the process of compiling “Encyclopedia”,its innovation and uniqueness as the most important and influential work during the Enlightenment,and its contribution to spreading enlightenment opinions,fighting against religious obscurantism and absolute monarchy.The second section introduces the French society in 1 8m century when “Encyclopedia” was born, briefly illustrating the situation of agriculture,industry and commerce in France where an old social system Was dying;it describes the conflicts involved in different domains like politics,economy,society etc;it states the enlightenment thinkers’ criticism on the old social system with nature and reason as their arlns, as well as their revolutionary ideas or even advocacy.What have been mentioned are all about the historical background of “Encyclopedia”,which was compiled, published and became an effective tool in spreading enlightenment opinions as a rational,scientific and systematic work.

Chapter two introduces the “China Fever” in eighteenth-century France, composed of two sections. Section one mainly states the overall circumstances of “China Fever”, the contribution and significant works of missionaries who visited China, and the fact that France became the centre of’‘China Fever"at that time due to its politics,economy and culture,etc. Section two states the China-related topics frequently discussed by French enlightenment thinkers, the evolution of their remarks and views on China,the viewpoints standing for or against China and their respective representatives,and the gradual increasing of those remarks on numerous demerits of China in the 1750s and 1760s when the compilation of “Encyclopedia” started.

Chapter three systematically introduces the China-related entries in “Encyclopedia”, subdivided into three sections. Section one describes the writers of China-related entries and the main entries they wrote. Section two discusses two main Sources of China-related materials in “Encyclopedia”. Section three introduces China-related entries in “Encyclopedia” from various aspects,including philosophy and religion,history and chronology, government, economy, technology and science, etc, and generalizes an image of China reflected in “Encyclopedia”.

Chapter four discusses Diderot’s views on China, composed of three sections. As the chief editor of “Encyclopedia”, Diderot not only wrote the famous entries “China” and “Chinese philosophy”,outlining the developmental process of Chinese philosophy for the first time, but also held a dialectic and objective attitude towards Chinese culture, history and philosophy, different from Voltaire and Montesquieu,the former always showing a positive view on China while the latter always showing a negative one. Diderot was constantly skeptical about the China-related information in contemporary people’s mind. Moreover, his comments on China reflected the features of time change. Therefore, one independent chapter is specially arranged to make a further analysis for a better understanding of the China in “Encyclopedia” and the influence that China cast on the eighteenth-century French enlightenment thinkers.

This chapter is composed of three sections. Section one introduces Diderot’s life and his contribution to the compilation of “Encyclopedia”. Section two introduces the China-related entries written by Diderot and the classification of them. Section three analyzes and summarizes Diderot’s views on China. The conclusion makes a further summary of “Encyclopedia” and French enlightenment thinkers’ views on China. In addition to author’s comments and analyses, some problems worth thinking about ale put forward for the cultural communication and international dialogue between China and other countries.

KEY WORD:Diderot,Encyclopedia,Enlightenment,Views on China,Culture

Availability: On Wanfang data via Berlin State Library.


2009 #

Wagner, Rudolf, “Encyclopedia,” in David Pong ed., Encyclopedia of Modern China, New York: Charles Scribners Sons/Reference, 2009, vol. 1, p. 511-512.

Availability: Scan in Heidelberg database under Gale

Qiu Pengsheng 邱澎生,“Qingmo liangzhong Zhongguo “Baike quanshu” de jingji yu falü zhi xue” 清末兩種中國"百科全書"的經濟與法律之學, in Xin Shixue 新史學第三卷, Beijing: Zhonghua, 2009, 155-183. Deals with the legal and economic terms in 洋務經濟通考 and 普通百科新大辭典

Availability: copy in HD library. No scan

Zhang Qing 章清, “Wan Qing xiexue ‘huibian’ yu bentu huiying,” 晚清西学《汇编》与本土回应 ,Fudan xuebao (Shehuikexue ban) 6 (2009):48-57.

Availablity: Scan in HD database.


2010 #

Zhang Qing, “Wan Qing xixue huibian ziliao yu zhishi fenke” 晩清西學彙編資料與知識分科, 東アジア近代における概念と知の再編成, 2010.


2013 #

Sun Qing 孙青, “Yindu ‘xinzhi’ de teshu jinliang – Qing mo xiece xinxue xuanben chutan,” 引渡《新知》的特殊津梁 – 清末谢策新学选本初探, Jindaishi yanjiu 5(2013): 81-103.

Availablity: Scan in HD database


2014 #

Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge (1870-1930). Edited by Milena Milena Doleželová-Velingerová and Rudoolf G. Wagner. Heidelberg/Berlin: Springer, 2014.

Table of contents:

Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge (1870–1930):

Changing Ways of Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Milena Dolezˇelova´-Velingerova´ and Rudolf G. Wagner

Late Qing Encyclopaedias: Establishing a New Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . 29

Li Hsiao-t’i

From News, Xinwen 新聞, to New Knowledge, Xinxue 新學: Newspapers

as Sources for Early Modern Chinese Encyclopaedias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Natascha Gentz

The Complete Compilation of New Knowledge, Xinxue beizuan 新學備纂

(1902): Its Classification Scheme and its Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Iwo Amelung

The Formation of Encyclopaedic Commonplaces During the Late Qing:

Entries on the Newspaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Rudolf G. Wagner

Japanese Encyclopaedias: A Hidden Impact on Late Qing Chinese

Encyclopaedias? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Douglas R. Reynolds

From The Register of Ancients to Befriend to Brief Biographies of Notables

Worldwide: A Study of Late Qing Biographical Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . 191

Xia Xiaohong

“Wenxue” in the Purview of Late Qing Encyclopaedias and Textbooks:

With a Focus on Huang Ren’s Activities as Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

Chen Pingyuan

Modern Chinese Encyclopaedic Dictionaries: Novel Concepts

and New Terminology (1903–1911) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Milena Dolezˇelova´-Velingerova´

“New Methods to Nourish the People”: Late Qing Encyclopaedic

Writings on Political Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

Andrea Janku

Helping Our People “to Jointly Hurry Along the Path to Civilization.”

The Everyday Cyclopedia, Riyong baike quanshu 日用百科全書. . . . . . . 367

Catherine Vance Yeh

China’s “New” Encyclopaedias and Their Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399

Barbara Mittler

Studies on the Characteristics of Late Qing Encyclopaedia

Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425

Zhong Shaohua

List of Encyclopaedic Works Studied in this Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Availability: Scan in folder Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge in HD database.